Dillenberg GmbH & Co. KG works together with various national
and international cooperative, distribution and logistics partners.
Distribution partners:
Our distribution partner in Austria is Brugger & Pfau GmbH.
If you have any questions, please directly contact:
Brugger & Pfau GmbH
Industriegasse 6
A – 2104 Spillern
Telefon +43 (0) 2266 80581-0
E-Mail: office@brugger-pfau.at
Our distribution partner in Switzerland is Walter Looser AG.
If you have any questions, please directly contact:
Walter Looser AG
Bronzen und Gleitlager
CH – 8005 Zürich
Telefon +41 44 445 60 60
E-Mail: info@bronze.ch
Internet: www.bronze.ch